The teachings of Christ stand on
the reality of Genesis along with all of the old and new testament writings. The failure of Adam in chapter 3 of Genesis established
God's word of salvation that became flesh at John 1:1-18, and taught humanity what God requires from those who wish to overcome
Adam's fall. Take away Genesis and the historical man Jesus Christ will cease to exist. The foundation of human existence,
ambitions, purpose, weaknesses, strengths and oppositions are developed in Genesis. Genesis is like the legs that the whole
body of Holy Scripture stands on, it cannot be seen or accepted as a poem or insignificant writings by anyone who truly desire
to understand the Bible. The study of fossils and archaeology has created 1 more unneeded confusion between legitimate
science and theology. Scientist who claim their recent discoveries, not theories, make
the Bible, as they understand it, obsolete, in their view, contend with theologians who make unproven Biblical claims and
swear those claims must be infallible for salvation to exist. If life existed on earth before God made man, God created it.
The Bible never said that life did not exist on earth prior to mankind and theologians who don't know this need to learn it.
A controversy is created by opposing positions on an issue. The Bible only deals with mankind and what they need to get to
the next level of existence. After studying and understanding the Bible from cover to cover,I can't find a basis for controversy
on this issue. If earth was used for other life forms over perhaps billions of years of existence, these life forms are not
physically linked to mankind. The only connection would be the same God as creator; there are no missing links related to
humans. God made perfect originals for the human race. The danger here is in forcing people to choose between confused theology
and true scientific facts when there is no need to. True science has no facts that disprove God as creator of all things and
no logical scientist will accept theories as facts. The careful observer must make a distinction
between true and false science, then govern themselves accordingly.
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|  | The issue of human sexuality is on center stage in many countries
of the world today. God made the original people of 2 genders, male and female. The person who is blessed at birth with no
mental or physical problems, then decides that God made an error by putting them in the wrong body, is choosing to create
a different set of problems. The willingness of people to follow the lust of the flesh, the inspiration of some external influences
and the raw power of satan to tempt the flesh causes a lot of people to fall into lifestyles they cannot explain to God. God's
destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah and others for their homosexual behavior is a most graphic example of how God ultimately deals
with that issue. Both Bible history and secular history have proven that these so-called sexual freedom movements are, in
truth, some of satan's better angling efforts. Satan catches a few by line, then sends them into society with some good, "woe
is me" victim's story, a story that may even be played up in some dramatic way that makes people show tolerance for the
sin and compassion for the people living the sin. Satan uses some people as bait to condition the majority of a society to
embrace a sin pattern that will allow him to fish through that society with a net. Multitudes of people who would never commit
the sin will question, or even doubt God's authority to call it sin and destroy their souls in the process. The bottom line
for this sin issue, and all other sin issues, is, continue to break the laws of acceptable human behavior and your society
will eventually self destruct. Add total disregard of the sacred directions for successful existence that come from the Bible,
and your actions may force God to cut your society out like some cancerous growth that endangers his world. If people will
apply the scriptures at Matt.22: 37 39, and "love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind and your neighbor
as yourself" a lot of individual and societal problems will be solved .EXCERPTS/ SUMMARY- Governments are a God ordained necessity.
They keep order, establish civil laws, punish crimes and should exalt honesty. In times and areas where not only the quantity
of sin and crime abound, but also the quality of sin and crime reaches a repulsive peak, governments can assess harsher penalties
and build stronger prisons in the hope of changing and/or retaining people. The reality of that hope can be seen in judicial
systems in our country and around the world. We see prison and jail overcrowding, court systems that can not keep up with
criminal cases and prisoners who merit incarceration being released early because,taxpayers can't afford to build more prisons.
The whole situation needs a different approach. Cages, which criminals make a necessity, can contain, control and warehouse
people for a time. God, through his revealed will from his written word, can change,the heart and mind of a criminal, then
establish a moral compass that leads that person away from habitual sin and crime. The best solution is not better prisons,
but better people who don't need to be in prison. God has provided the formula for that.
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